As much as we love our feline friends, any cat owner knows that one of the challenges of living with them is their curious nature, which more often than not translates to a fixation on certain household objects and can sometimes get them into scrapes.
While some cats are fascinated with the bathroom, your sock drawer or even cardboard boxes, many others will love your window blinds, and can’t resist playing with the cords. However, this may result in them getting tangled up in them, and potentially pulling them down or breaking them in the process.
To prevent this from happening, you might be wondering whether you should forgo blinds altogether. Fortunately, however, this doesn’t have to be the case. There are several types of blinds and shutters that not only offer style, privacy and versatility, but are also cat-friendly.
Shutter Blinds
Shutter blinds are among the most durable types of blinds, making them an excellent choice for cat owners. There are no cords for them to pull at, and no fabric for them to sink their claws into! Instead of dealing with trailing cords, your shutter blinds are operated via tilt rod or remote control: tilt rods can be centred, to the right or left or hidden completely; if they’re out of reach, they can be operated with ease using a remote control.
Electric Blinds
Electric blinds are also a popular choice with cat owners as, once more, there are no cords for your cat to play with. Much like shutter blinds, electric models can be operated remotely, saving you lots of hassle - especially if you’re dealing with blinds that span multiple windows.
Perfect Fit Blinds
Finally, perfect fit blinds and shutters can be fitted onto your window with very little hassle, simply clipping onto the window. This naturally means no cords for your cat to pull on! What’s more, perfect fit blinds can easily be removed, cleaned and reattached, meaning that any evidence of muddy paws can quickly be erased.
Looking for Cat-Friendly Blinds and Shutters in Glasgow?
Looking for any of the blind styles we mentioned in this blog? The Blind Guy can help. All of our blinds and shutters are made to measure, so you can rest assured that we can design the right cat-friendly solution for your home. For more information about our blinds and shutters in Glasgow, get in touch with us for a free quote.